BAT to EXE Frequently Asked Questions   




How do I participate in your Bug Bounty program and get paid?


    If you discover a bug in Advanced BAT to EXE Converter free or Pro version you may be eligible to receive a payment from BDargo Software. If your compiled batch file EXE does not work as you would expect it to, share as many details as possible about how to reproduce it. Contact us at with the subject "Bug Bounty". Payments will be sent via PayPal or crypto after we verify the bug exists. 




Advanced BAT to EXE Converter does not launch after selecting a custom install path.


    Please reinstall to the default installation path. This is an actual security feature that prevents the misuse of our software and not a bug. The Advanced BAT to EXE Converter Pro can be installed to any directory on your machine.




Will my batch file need any modifications before converting to EXE?


    Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is the only compiler that will compile your batch file script and not need any modifications for all complex tasks. This is one of the main reasons you should chose Advanced BAT to EXE Converter. Windows treats EXE differently from batch files with some security features. Your batch file working correctly as an EXE is only because of the work that happens "under the hood". Other solutions would require modification of some commands using conditional IF statements within your bat file so they operate correctly on all systems and configurations when converted to EXE.



Why should I use Advanced BAT to EXE Converter?


    Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is the first and only compiler that will work for all complex batch files without the need to make specific changes to your script based on which version or language of Windows you are targeting. Intelli-Parse technology makes all of your commands run properly on all Windows configurations. Less hassle means less development and troubleshooting time.


    You encrypt your script to hide the code from end users. This allows you to share scripts with passwords for FTP or networking functions. You can also embed icons and other binary files that your script needs to function. Turn all dependency files into one stand-alone EXE file to share. You also have the option of password protecting your EXE so it will not run without the correct password.




What is Intelli-Parse?

    Intelli-Parse technology is unique to Advanced BAT to EXE Converter. This feature scans your batch file script word for word and will make any necessary changes to your code in memory so it runs exactly how your unmodified batch file does before compiling. Other solutions would require modification of some commands using conditional statements within your batch file so they operate correctly on all systems when converted to EXE.




What else makes Advanced BAT to EXE Converter better than other BAT to EXE compilers?

    There are over 40 Extended commands unique to Advanced BAT to EXE Converter that makes your scripts much more powerful. For example, you can hide any windows application dialog and use mouse input within your batch file script.


    Some other solutions are not securing your batch file at all. They can be undone simply by your user right clicking the EXE. They could extract the files to a text editor for viewing and modifying.




How can I modify my batch script so it does not require an Admin Manifest?

    Most batch files only require Admin privileges because it uses folders that are off limits to non-admin users. One excellent feature of Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is the %MYFILES% variable. Use can use the %MYFILES% variable as the working folder for your batch file since you always have write access to this directory and files even without Admin rights.



How do I compile as invisible or include an icon and version properties when compiling a batch file with the Windows context menu or command line?

    First, compile the batch file using Advanced BAT to EXE Converter with all of the project options you would like. Next, save the batch file. All of your project settings including icon, embedded files, Company Name, version and invisible properties are saved in the header of the batch file. These settings will be loaded and used when you compile from the command line or use the Windows Explorer context menu compile option.

    When compiling from the Windows context menu, the output EXE file will always be named after the batch file ignoring the saved EXE filename variable in the header.




How do I use embedded files in my batch file script?

    First click the "Build EXE" option in the File menu or on the toolbar. Next, select your EXE filename. Embed any of the files that your script needs to use upon execution in to your EXE using the "Embed Files" tab on the "Select EXE Options" dialog.

    Use the %MYFILES% variable within your script to access these files as if it was a folder. This will create a single stand-alone EXE file instead of sending your project in multiple files.




The LaunchSilent extended command does not seem to work for the program that I am launching?

    Some windows applications will launch a second dialog that will not remain invisible. In this case, use the HideWindow extended command. Make sure you use the "rem Wait 250" extended command between launching the program and hiding it. This will allow the program time to load before attempting to hide it. You may want to launch the application minimized in this situation. Here is a quick example:


start /MIN notepad.exe
rem Wait 250
rem HideWindow "Untitled - Notepad"




My icon is not showing after compiling the batch file script?


    There is a known issue with the Windows fast-cache feature that in rare situations could prevent the new icon from showing at first. Simply copy your compiled EXE to another folder and you will see the icon appear.




How can I compile batch files with the command line? (PRO version Only)


    Locate your Advanced BAT to EXE Converter installation folder. The default location is in %program files%

    Type this command in to the command processor:


       aB2Econv.exe "c:\Batch Files\input.BAT" "c:\Batch Files\output.EXE"


    It is recommended that you use quotes and full path filenames.  You can right click a batch file in Windows Explorer and use the context menu to quickly compile a batch file as well. Batch files will compile using the settings in the header created from the last time you compiled then saved the batch file.






  Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is updated often so check back soon.


  We have spent thousands of hours developing the only batch file compiler that will work for all complex batch files on all Windows versions, configurations, and Virtual Machines.


  No adware or bloatware in this free software download!

Installation checksums





















Tips for using Advanced BAT to EXE Converter to write batch files



Open and look through the example batch files included in the compiler menu.


While editing your batch files you will notice the code changing colors when using the Advanced Commands:

    GREEN for REM comments (REM still works for non Advanced Command statements)
    PURPLE (warning) for recognized Advanced Commands missing options
    BLUE (ok) for rem Advanced Commands with the correct number of options
    RED (error) Advanced Command with possible typo
    ORANGE for GOTO and :Labels

Please note that the editor color codes the script statements based on the number of options entered after an extended command. The editor does NOT check for the correct data type.

Save your batch file after compiling it to save the Project Options including EXE path, icon, version information.

This data will be loaded the next time you open the batch file with the compiler.

Be sure not to use any commands that may require user input while the compiled batch file is hiding with the HideSelf command or compiled with invisible mode.

PrintColor does not print a "return" after it prints to the screen. This is so you can print more than one color on a line without having to use Locate. Simply use PrintReturn to start at the next line.

Use ChangeColor when using PaintScreen to change the text backround color to match the current background color.

To Embed files to the compiled EXE, click the plus sign "+" on the Select EXE Options window (Embed Files tab)
Use the %MYFILES% variable within your script to access these files as if it was a folder.

Use %0 to get the EXE filename of the compiled batch file EXE at runtime.

Use %~dps0 to get the folder path of the compiled batch file EXE at runtime.

Batch file windows are 80 spaces in width and 25 spaces in height by default.

To close the window when a batch file finishes executing, simply put a CLS (clear screen) statement at the end of the batch file.

If the console window closes before you can see any text on the screen, put a PAUSE (press any key to continue) statement at the end of the batch file.

Make sure English is selected on your Windows Language bar during the compile process. Compiled EXE have no language requirements.