Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is completely free to use without any limitations on one PC only.
When you upgrade to Advanced BAT to EXE Converter Pro, you will receive a Distributor License which allows you to distribute your compiled batch file executables to as many computers as you would like.
Strong encryption keeps your code safe and secure.
Small EXE size.
Fast technical support via email or Teamviewer.
Set EXE Icon, Author and version information properties.
Additional Advanced Commands.
Your converted EXE will run exactly as the batch file.
No watermark or mention of what app you used to create your EXE programs.
Option to compile your batch files to run completely Invisible.
Windows context menu compile.
Command line compiler.
No royalty fees. Create unlimited products and sell to unlimited clients.
Intelli-Parse technology is unique to Advanced BAT to EXE Converter. This feature scans your batch file script word for word and will make any necessary changes to your code in memory so it runs exactly how your unmodified batch file does before compiling. Other solutions would require modification of some commands using conditional statements within your batch file so they operate correctly on all systems when compiled to EXE.
Distribute all compiled EXE freely without any limitation including for sale to unlimited PCs. EXE will run on all Windows versions and configurations.
You will have immediate access to Download the Pro version compiler by logging in to the Download Pro section of the website after you order. You will receive quality software and prompt email support for your purchase.
If you have any problems completing your order
or if you would like to pay with Cryptocurrency,
please email
LIFETIME free Updates. One time purchase.
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter PRO
v4.5 Anti-Piracy Edition
This Anti-Piracy Edition of Advanced BAT to EXE Converter Pro is not for everyone. You would probably want to scroll back up to the Standard Pro Edition above. Users of your compiled batch file EXE will only be allowed to run them on the PC that you enable for them. They will be presented with your custom message and a Hardware-ID that is unique to their PC. You reply with the Activation code generated with the Keygen for the unique Hardware-ID. Once they enter the correct Activation code, it is saved and the compiled batch file EXE will run like a normal program anytime they want.
You can change your Encryption Keystring before compiling to offer multiple products with different Activation codes for their machine.
This comes with a free copy of the standard Business Pro compiler.