Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is the best choice to compile your batch files to .EXE for distributing commercially. Advanced BAT to EXE Converter creates an actual native Windows .EXE program and encrypts your batch file code. These batch file .EXE do not require any pre-installed software to function and can be digitally signed unlike regular batch files.
Even the most complex batch files can be compiled to executables with Advanced BAT to EXE Converter. Your batch file EXE works exactly as the original batch file does on all computers. You can embed your Company Name and Copyright information in the EXE to build your online reputation.
Users of your batch file EXE cannot view/change your code after it is compiled and encrypted.
Any actions performed by the batch file script will be kept secret with encryption.
Feature to run your EXE "Invisible" in the background without the batch file console window showing.
One of the powerful new advanced commands can launch any Windows program completely invisible.
Executables compiled with Advanced BAT to EXE Converter will run on all Windows versions and languages.
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is updated often so check back soon.
We have spent thousands of hours developing the only batch file compiler that will work for all complex batch files on all Windows versions, configurations, and Virtual Machines.
No adware or bloatware in this free software download!
Installation checksums
Encrypts your batch file source code to keep it confidential.