Advanced BAT to EXE Converter
Advanced Extended Batch File Commands Index
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Advanced BAT to EXE Converter will flawlessly compile any batch file to EXE and includes very useful extended commands which are not available in normal batch files!
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter requires English(United States) selected in the Windows Control Panel for encryption functions during compile.
The compiled EXE will run on all Windows versions, configurations and languages after compiled.
GREEN for REM comments (REM still works for non Advanced Command statements)
PURPLE (warning) for recognized Advanced Commands missing options
BLUE (ok) for rem Advanced Commands with the correct number of options
RED (error) Advanced Command with possible typo
ORANGE for GOTO and :Labels
Add [Number1] [Number2]
ChangeColor [Integer_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
BrowseFiles [ ??? Optional_File_Extention ] [ Optional_StartPath ]
CloseWindow "Window_Title"
Divide [Number1] [Number2]
FastCMD [Slot(1-9)]
GenRandom [MaxInteger]
GetLength [Text]
GetPercent [Number1] [Number2]
GreaterThan [Number1] [Number2]
HideWindow "Window_Title"
LaunchSilent [Text_Filename] [Options(or "" )] [Int_WaitTillFinish(1or0)]
LessThan [Number1] [Number2]
LimitDecimal [DecimalNumber] [Integer_X]
Locate [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_X(1-80)]
LocateAt [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_X(1-80)]
MakeInteger [DecimalNumber]
MakeLower [Text]
MakeUpper [Text]
MouseCmd [ x1,y1,x2,y2 ]
Multiply [Number1] [Number2]
PaintBoxAt [Integer_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
PaintScreen [Integer_BGcolor(0-15)]
PrintBox [Integer_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_BorderType(1or2)]
PrintBoxAt [Integer_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_Border(1or2)]
PrintCenter [Text] [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
PrintColor [Text] [Integer_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
PrintColorAt [Text] [Int_Y] [Int_X] [Int_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
ShadeBoxAt [Int_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_ShadeType(1-4)]
ShowWindow "Window_Title"
Subtract [Number1] [Number2]
Wait [Integer_Milliseconds]
NOTE - The Advanced Functions do NOT work for DOS compiled executables.
Extended Functions Usage
Tip #1 - You MUST use the prefix "rem " for the compiler to recognize the Advanced Commands. There must be only one space between REM and the Advanced Command or it will remain a COMMENT.
rem HideSelf
rem HideSelf
Tip #2 - Advanced Commands with the "At" suffix (graphical commands) will hide the console cursor.
The cursor is hidden so you can string graphical commands together without the cursor blinking on the screen.
You may want to use the CursorShow command after you use these commands.
Adds two numbers and returns the result in the variable %result%
Use Windows Common Dialog box to browse for a file. Use %~dps0 for the Start_Path to browse in the EXE path. Selected file is stored in variable %result%
Use a Windows Dialog to browse for a folder. Selected folder is stored in the variable %result%
Center the console window on the screen
Changes the color text will be printed on the screen
Changes the color text will be printed on the screen back to default colors (FG=7 BG=0)
Close an application window. You must know the window title. Surround the Window_Title with quotes. Watch for double spaces.
Hides the blinking cursor on the console window
Shows the blinking cursor on the console window
Divides Number1 by Number2 and returns the result in the variable %result%
Embed Graphic Wizard File (Saved Slot 1-9)
Generates a random integer no larger than MaxInteger and returns the number in the variable %result%
Lets the user type input and returns the result in the variable %result%
Returns the length of text in the integer variable %result%
Lets the user type input (MASKED for passwords) and returns the result in the variable %result%
Finds the percent [Number1] out of [Number2] and returns the result in the variable %result%
If Number1 >= Number2 (Greater than or equal to) returns 1 if true and a 0 if false in the variable %result%
Allows the compiled batch file window to go invisible and run in the background
Hide any window on the screen. You must know the window title. Surround the Window_Title with quotes. Watch for double spaces.
Launches any executable completely silent. Use double quotes "" if no options. Wait(1=YES 0=NO)
Filename and path cannot contain spaces. Recommend Embedding the target EXE. Use %MYFILES%\filename.exe to launch it.
If you must run an App with spaces in the path, use CD command to change the current directory then just enter the EXE filename without path.
If Number1 <= Number2 (Less than or equal to) returns 1 if true and a 0 if false in the variable %result%
Limits the DecimalNumber to X number decimal places and returns the result to the variable %result%
Moves the cursor Y number of spaces down and X number of spaces right from the top left corner
Hides Cursor. Moves the cursor Y number of spaces down and X number of spaces right from the top left corner.
Makes the DecimalNumber an integer and returns the result in the variable %result%
Makes the text all lowercase and returns the text in the variable %result%
Makes the text all UPPERCASE and returns the text in the variable %result%
Create a button/hotspot that can be clicked with the mouse. Separate multiple buttons with a space.
Compile "rem MouseCMD GET" to get the coordinates of your buttons at run-time. They are stored in the clipboard.
The variable %result% will return which button number was pressed. NOTE- nothing is drawn on the screen in the coordinates. See example.
Multiplies two numbers and returns the result in the variable %result%
Hides Cursor. Paints a box on the screen at the Y X coordinates with the specified dimensions and BGcolor
Paints the screen the selected integer background color
Prints a box centered on the screen with the specified border type
Hides Cursor. Prints a box on the screen at the Y X coordinates with the specified dimensions and border type
Prints one centered line of text on screen with the specified colors in the row Y
Prints text on the screen with the specified colors without printing a Return after. Use PrintReturn command if you must
Hides Cursor. Prints colored text on the screen at the Y X coordinates without printing a Return. Use PrintReturn
Moves cursor down a line
Moves the cursor a space to the right
Hides Cursor. Shades a box on the screen at the Y X coordinates with the specified dimensions
Allows the compiled batch file window to reappear after going invisible with HideSelf
Reveal a hidden window. You must know the window title. Surround the Window_Title with quotes. Watch for double spaces.
Subtracts Number2 from Number1 and returns the result in the variable %result%
Waits the specified number of milliseconds before continuing (1000 = 1 second)
Tips for using Advanced BAT to EXE Converter
Anti-virus software has become very sensitive in recent years. This software product is 100% clean and safe.
You may have a false positive on your newly created EXE. We work closely with security products to minimized false positives but they still happen.
Simply Google "Antivirus_Name submit false positive."
Upload your EXE on their web-form and they will verify that it is not malicious. They will update their definition files to remove the detection in about 48 hours.
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter PRO binaries are behind a pay-wall so there are less false positives.
Visual Studio 2019 even has issues with anti-virus false positives. Google "Visual Studio 2019 hello world anti-virus false positive."
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Anti-virus software has become very sensitive in recent years. This software product is 100% clean and safe.
You may have a false positive on your newly created EXE. We work closely with security products to minimized false positives but they still happen.
Simply Google "Antivirus_Name submit false positive."
Upload your EXE on their web-form and they will verify that it is not malicious. They will update their definition files to remove the detection in about 48 hours.
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter PRO binaries are behind a pay-wall so there are less false positives.
Visual Studio 2019 even has issues with anti-virus false positives. Google "Visual Studio 2019 hello world anti-virus false positive."
Graphical Enhancement Wizard
Steps to get started:
Why buy a License?
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User Agreement
"BDargo Software" cannot be held responsible for any damages to you ("The Software User")
or to your equipment or any other damages by using this program
("Advanced BAT to EXE Converter").
You may distribute the ("Advanced BAT to EXE Converter") Free installer anywhere you wish.
You may NOT distribute the Upgraded ("Advanced BAT to EXE Converter PRO") version installer.
When you Upgrade to the PRO version, it grants YOU the permission to use the full version of the software.
The compiled batch files created with the full version PRO package may be distributed to anyone, anywhere royalty free.
You may NOT allow other users who do not have a license, to use the software. Doing so will be a violation of the
User Agreement. You will lose permission to use the software and receive free upgrades to future versions.
You may NEVER distribute a modified version of this software package under any circumstances.
If you distribute a modified version of this software package you will be violating U.S.
copyright laws, will be prosecuted, and may face additional civil penalties.
If you do not agree to or understand this User Agreement, then you may not use this software package and
must uninstall and delete immediately.